Saint Paul Eastside-based artist

As a full-time and nearly lifetime Saint Paul Eastside-based artist, Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center has been a gift - the space itself is an artistic home and their staff and artists have been creative partners and collaborators. For so many years I have had to travel across the river to participate/make/see art and having IRCAC in our communities means that I can participate/make/see art closer to home.

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Owner of YeS Dance Academy

"Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center (Iroots) is like my second home! We were welcomed and treated like family here when we founded YeS Dance Academy in fall of 2018. They were always willing to give us a hand and made a safe space for us to let our community explore the Hmong culture through our dances! "

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Member of the Mille lacs Band of Ojibwe

Indigenous Roots Cultural Center is a valued resource for Artists and Arts Producers. I am the founder of Native Arts Collaborative Agency and I reached out for support from IRoots when I was looking for location to film an episode for a PBS production which features my client, J.Gokey Traditional Designs floral beadwork. Maryanne and Sergio are passionate about creating art and space to unite cultures in our community. I'm so grateful they make the distinct effort to be available for many genres of artists.

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Owner of Cypher Side : Breakdance, Hip-Hop, and Urban Dance

"Indigenous Roots is more than just an organization, they're family. I am grateful for the support and accessibility that has been made available for me over the years. Mary Anne and the entire IRoots have continuously proven themselves that they have my best interest in mind. They've gone beyond supporting me in various ways such as providing a space for my business, financial and emotional support. I've grown tremendously over the years and I owe a big thanks to IRoots for being a part of my journey."

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Director of Away Runakuna

Indigenous Roots is an amazing organization to work with for Away Runakuna. Throughout the years of partnership, Indigenous Roots have always supported the group with opportunities for growth and community engagement. Each year, Away Runakuna is always excited to perform for their annual Mexica New Year in which we are grateful to share our Ecuadorian traditions to our indigenous brothers and sisters. Both Maryanne and Sergio, along with their team of community leaders have been doing an amazing job in giving small groups like Away Runakuna the helping hand to do what we do best which is preserve our traditions for our future generation to learn and grow.

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Artist/ City Mischief Murals

"As an Anishinaabe artist working with City Mischief Murals. Maryanne was instrumental in several mural projects with us over the last two years, and assisted in planning, and garnering funders to help support the first ever Intertribal Styles BIPOC Graffiti Jam that provided a socially distanced, safe event for BIPOC artists to come together to create in Dayton’s Bluff. IROOTS has also assisted us in being a Fiscal Agent for a number of artist grants that we were not equipped to accept as individuals. I greatly appreciate the relationship that I have with Maryanne and Indigenous Roots, it has been an honor working alongside her! Chi Miigwetch!" Full Quote Here

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Neighbor & Associate at Better World Partner

This center is an amazing resource for our community. IRoots is one of the only community spaces where EVERYONE is truly welcomed and honored for who they are. My kids have participated in dance classes, my partner and I enjoy the visual art exhibits, my elderly parents appreciate the wealth of cultural diversity, we all love the warmth and openness of the staff and artisans. There is always something new to experience at Indigenous Roots! Full Quote Here

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Indigenous Roots Community Youth Member

“To many of us youth we call this place home our safe space. When I think about the role that IRoots has I think of this as the place where the essence of the youth was able to flourish. We as youth need spaces to be supported and not called crazy for imagining the impossible. On top of just providing space it provides mentorship and collaboration something that is needed to build community network to continue the work. It has helped me in my journey of restoring the connection between my ancestors something I always knew was there but never had someone to tell me directly you are carrying generations of resilience.” Full Quote Here

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"My artwork was exactly where it needed to be; with community that would identify with the subject matter, and would engage with and around the work in different ways. Maryanne and Sergio create space and allow community to bring it to life in their vision. It’s rare to find that and we are all blessed that they have continued to hold down the center amidst gentrification and colonization trying to take it away from us. I’m thankful for Indigenous Roots and happy to support them in any way they need" Full Quote Here

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St.Paul Slim / Artist / The W8 on Empty Space

“Indigenous roots, for me, has always been a place where I can go and be myself. It's a place of love, learning and nourishment for the creative Soul. Even if you're not so creative but you're passionate about community togetherness and cultivation, this is a place where you can express yourself in that way as well. Egos are hung outside the door & inside you give and receive nothing but equality.”

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CEO of Pack Material, LLC

Indigenous Roots is an amazing organization to work with for Away Runakuna. Throughout the years of partnership, Indigenous Roots have always supported the group with opportunities for growth and community engagement. Each year, Away Runakuna is always excited to perform for their annual Mexica New Year in which we are grateful to share our Ecuadorian traditions to our indigenous brothers and sisters.

Both Maryanne and Sergio, along with their team of community leaders have been doing an amazing job in giving small groups like Away Runakuna the helping hand to do what we do best which is preserve our traditions for our future generation to learn and grow.

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