I am writing this letter regarding Maryanne Sergio Quiroz and Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center. I am the Residential Director of Ain Dah Yung Center a culturally specific nonprofit serving American Indian Youth and Families in Saint Paul. I wanted to speak to the positive partnership we have had as an organization collaborating with IROOTS and our Ninijanisag prevention program. We have been able to work together in our youth programs and IROOTS has shared safe space for youth groups, parenting groups as well as traditional drum and dance clinics. I am also writing as an Anishinaabe artist working with City Mischief Murals. Maryanne was instrumental in several mural projects with us over the last two years, and assisted in planning, and garnering funders to help support the first ever Intertribal Styles BIPOC Graffiti Jam that provided a socially distanced, safe event for BIPOC artists to come together to create in Dayton’s Bluff. IROOTS has also assisted us in being a Fiscal Agent for a number of artist grants that we were not equipped to accept as individuals. I greatly appreciate the relationship that I have with Maryanne and Indigenous Roots, it has been an honor working alongside her!Chi Miigwetch!

Holly (Miskitoos Wapunewoetum) Henning

Marten Falls| Constance Lake First Nation

Cree & Ojibwe| Bear Clan

Residential Director / Ain Dah Yung (Our Home) Center

Artist / City Mischief

Holly Photo (1).jpg