Georgia Fort.jpg

 I am a new business owner and a mid-career artist. As a biracial woman who strongly identifies with my Black heritage I have struggled to find resources and to find a community where I feel like I belong. That changed when I met the Directors of Indigenous Roots Cultural Center. I was working on a project about them and from the moment we met they were encouraging, helpful and kind. Since then the center has served as an access point to connect with other artists that I am able to collaborate with. Additionally, because the directors know my goals and understand the scope of my work they consistently send me information on grants including three or four that I have actually received. Also, they have opened up their network, introducing me to dozens of people in the community, some of which have commissioned my work. So I guess you could say Indigenous roots has been a launching pad for me but what I am most grateful for is that as an artist I finally have a place to call home.