Gratitude from our Co-Directors
Mary Anne and Cenoch Quiroz
It has been a year of humbling lessons and growth. We are infinitely grateful for the love, support, and guidance we have received this past year as we continue to ground our roots.
We are proud to elevate our work in arts and activism as we, along with the collective members, board, staff, and community partners at Indigenous Roots continue to: create accessible pathways to build generational wealth against displacement; lift up youth voice and intergenerational engagement; facilitate courageous and compassionate conversations through storytelling to process our traumas for radical healing; and of course, provide culturally relevant space and opportunities.
Our community will continue to grow and blossom as we nurture our roots and build community power together. Oh! And we bought the building! Because of your contributions, we are happy and honored to celebrate another year!
- MAQ & Sergio
2020 Impact
Much like pre-COVID, we continue to provide accessible space and opportunities for Black, Brown, Native and Indigenous Artists to practice, share, learn, develop, incubate and produce their artwork/artform/business. Events in 2020 has led to more spaces being shut down and/or having limited capacity. The demand for space and opportunities has grown and more so for accessible and/or equitable to BIPOC artists and/or business owners.

2020 Highlights
community members and artists accessed and/or utilized Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center
As our community is in constant transformation, Indigenous Roots Cultural Center has become a central civic hub for many from all four directions. Not only has our space expanded physically this year, so has our community, our capacity to support new and established organizations, and most importantly, our hearts and ability to imagine.
Online Engagement
(Engagement Info Click here)
organizations in need of space utilized INdigenous roots Cultural Center
This year at Indigenous Roots, we witnessed the work of our community artists, healers, activators, and agitators become more grounded in the space as they continue to lead movements for social justice.
partnerships with 7th St small businesses and organizations
In addition to buying the building as a way to resist displacement, we developed partnerships with small businesses, organizations, and the City of St Paul, to co-create a cultural corridor on 7th Street.
Community Rapid Response
During the COVID State Shutdown and Civil Unrest due to the Murder of George Floyd, Indigenous Roots mobilized and co-coordinated community rapid response efforts to provide space and resources for food access. Organized 100 volunteers to respond to businesses who requested to be boarded up to prevent vandalism and robbery while they closed up their shops.
Food and Personal Hygiene Distribution (May)
served over 3,000 families in 5 days
Business who requested to be boarded up (May/June)
Sun Beauty Supply
NMK Event planning
Arirang Korean Restaurant
Taqueria los Paisanos
El Guanaco Bakery & Coffee
Storchak Cleaner and Laundry
Storehouse Grocery
Peaceful Land Grocery Store
La Mańana
Hmong Home Health Care
Community Health Chiro Clinic
East Side Bar
Hmong Village
Marc Heu Patisserie Paris
Cristy’s Bridal
Tramites y Mas
Vang Dental
Reliance Salon
Jimmy’s Food Market
Anh’s Hairstylist
Friends Cafe
Salween Grocery, LLC
Mikes PS Repair
Boba & Tea
Donald’s Uniform Store
New Sparkle Laundry
Best Steak House
JR Asian Foods
Nails Shop
East Side Thai
Original Karen Market
Kwe Ka Baung Grocery Store
Arts and Cultural Events
For Accessible and Sanitized Spaces
For continuing practicing their artform, teach classes online or in person, exhibit art, and provide spaces for company development, etc.
Social Distancing Powwow with Larry Yazzie/Native Pride Dancers
Cypher Side, Esencia Mexicana, Away Runakuna
have provided online workshops inside our newly renovated studio.
FIRM (Filipinx for Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice in MN (April-present)
Storage space
MN DJ Fleet Online Conference w/ Shay Glorious Martin
Native Arts Collaborative Agency w/ Christal Moose
Intertribal Styles Graffitti Mural Jam
Shorts on 7th co-hosted with Trilingua Cinema
Economic and Development Support For
Businesses/ Entrepreneurs/ Creative Enterprises
Artists, Small BIPOC Owned Businesses, Food and Artesan vendors by providing accessible/affordable space, opportunities, resources and/or events. *Fee free vendor tables at our events.
Zumba classes (space for business) (April-present)
Cristy’s Bridal (space for business) (April-present)
Tramites y Mas (space for business) (April-present)
Pop Up at Plaza Revolucion (event for artisan vendors) (August)
Raymond Jones (Bryce) (space for promotional video) (August)
Intertribal Styles Graffiti Jam (event for artisan vendors) (September)
The BlackOUT III with Pack Material LLC (funding support for vendors) (October)
Indigenous Lotus (space for photoshoot) (October)
Georgia Fort (space for work meetings) (November)
La Patrona Foods (space to raise funds for food truck) (November)
Youth Leadership and Activism
Provide space, leadership opportunities and/or stipends for youth and young folks to learn and develop skills to organize and mobilize.
Resistance Art Build: Banner and Poster Making
March! - No Human Being is Illegal
Beyond DACA! Permanent protection for all!
March for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Lake Street Arts! Solidarity and Spring Celebration
Everything is a Circle
Break Out the Vote
All our Neighbors: Homelessness on the Eastside
“Amazing night at Break Out the Vote! With these young people taking the reins, our country is in great hands!”
Art Exhibits
Social Converging Window Exhibit
City Mischief Murals - Better Together & Stronger Together
Reclaim Exhibit by SEE MORE Perspective
Arte y Revolucion by Mixto Collective
PUrE PoWeR by by St. Paul SLIM
The Intertribal Cultural Corridor
The Intertribal Cultural Corridor is made up of artists and businesses of many cultural identities. Each artist brings their own taste and flavor to their mural and the businesses are able to prove space and platforms for these artist to express themselves.
This dream of showcasing different artist and their art became a reality when the East Side of Saint Paul advocated to give space and opportunity for these to happen. The collaboration between Artist and local business on 7th street helped bridge the gap of artist and business owners showing support.

Community Collaborations
Next Step Fund Grant Workshop with mrac
Park and Lake with ten thousand things
Springboard Pop-Up Artist Resource Center
Mixtape Choreographers’ Panel Discussion
ADYC Ninijanisag Community Dance Night
Aspects of Colorism with Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center
Pho vs. Khob Poob Nplooj Radio’s Spring Fundraiser
Black, Brown, and Native Bodies in “Performance:” A Conversation
Draggin’ on the Eastside: The Art of Drag
Cypher Side Open Styles Dance Battles + Fundraiser
Bombazo, Kumbe, BombaFit With Karaya Guey
Creando en las calles / Creating in the Streets
Cypher Side Spring Recital/Show
spps Honors Visual Art Exhibition
American Indian Family Center
Cypher Side 1 Year Anniversary Jam
7 Fires EP Preview Performance
Juracan: The Jibaro and his Three Sons Performance
Slow Roll St. Paul - East Side With MN Lynx Sylvia Fowles
carryon home project at iroots artcrawl
Call out to St Paul Youth - Let’s Meet
War In Paradise MN Dance Off
indigenous peoples day at metropolitan state university
Sari Jeans Installation, Ananya Dance Theatre
Yoga with Indigenous Lotus, Victoria Marie, Wachinhin Maza Winyan (Iron Plume Woman)
Preserving the Power of Resistance through Storytelling and Song, Witness for Peace Midwest
Kumbe, BombaFit
Mosaic Art, Good Space Murals & Natchez Beaulieu
DON’t you feel it too? with Ayeeyo
Ayeeyo Mural, Movement, and Storytelling Project
Clapback Cabaret Series, FAWK
Zoongide’win Living the 7 Teachings
Book Release Party: When Everything Was Everything
Tribal Funk: Hip Hop Fundraiser Jam, Street Stops and Mountain Tops
Zumba with Youvana
Youth Asian Dance Try-Out! yes dance academy
Planting SEADS Book Launch & Reception, The SEAD Project
neighborhood pop up art with juxtaposition
Red Running into Water, New Native Theatre Red